Premium Cycling Is Not A Hobby It’s A 2020 Survival Skill Shirt

I’m sure Trump supporters will go on and on how Premium Cycling Is Not A Hobby It’s A 2020 Survival Skill Shirt. Biden got way less time because of this. This is 100% whataboutism I’m about to call out, but what about all of the inappropriate trump has done and they’ve still supported him? It’ll be hilarious watching them do that considering the clown literally said “bastards” on live television. Unpresidential behavior, but the idiots will focus on Biden’s comment to defend the Oompa Lumpa. Trump’s entire shtick is that he’s an asshole who “tells it how it is.” Buy it: Premium Cycling Is Not A Hobby It’s A 2020 Survival Skill Shirt See more: Shop Trending Shirt