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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Top Never Underestimate A Grandma With A Bicycle Shirt

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Miller is playing the  Top Never Underestimate A Grandma With A Bicycle Shirt long game. After Trump is gone, let's not forget him, Kushner and the rest of these ratfuckers. They're the new generation of Stone, Manafort, Kelly etc. Let's nip them in the bud before they try any future dirty tricks. He has Jewish ancestry -- he has relatives that are still practicing Judaism, but everyone in his entire family hates him. He has some very respected academics and doctors in his family. Whenever they talk to media outlets (i.e. a family member wrote an article saying under Trump's immigration policy they wouldn't have been able to come to America, or even just state a fact like that his grandmother died of coronavirus) he either ignores them or lies about them. Is a pretty simple formula to control Trump. A little praise and you’re golden. I think most of Trump’s actions are simply to garner praise from Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh, as well as other Fox personalities...

Premium Paix L’amour Trompette Shirt

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He has Jewish ancestry -- he has relatives that are still practicing Judaism, but everyone in his entire family hates him. He has some very respected academics and doctors in his family. Whenever they talk to media outlets (i.e. a family member wrote an article saying under Trump's immigration policy they wouldn't have been able to come to America, or even just state a fact like that his grandmother died of coronavirus) he either ignores them or lies about them. Is a pretty simple formula to control Trump. A little praise and you’re golden. I think most of Trump’s actions are simply to garner praise from Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh, as well as other Fox personalities and Putin. These people all know that a little suggestion, followed by positive feedback upon action, pushes Trump in whatever direction they want. It’s like a kid calling the radio station in hopes of hearing themselves on-air. I'm still suspicious her actual cause of death isn't him literally pushing...

Nice Boxing One Life Many Fight Vintage Shirt

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They probably browse this  Nice Boxing One Life Many Fight Vintage Shirt sub. Hey, Lincoln Project, I love your idea to run an ad about Trump being Stephen Millers puppet that also mentions Stephen Miller is a cancer on society and his family hates him. My impression is that Stephen Miller is much more attuned to the fact that he has no power of his own. Steve Bannon, in contrast, did his previous work independently, and had much more personal ego invested in it, believing himself to be some kind of oracle of the far-right, comparing himself to Lenin. Bannon cultivated his image with the press, Miller is focused on cultivating his relationship with Trump. Miller is playing the long game. After Trump is gone, let's not forget him, Kushner and the rest of these ratfuckers. They're the new generation of Stone, Manafort, Kelly etc. Let's nip them in the bud before they try any future dirty tricks.   Buy it: Nice Boxing One Life Many Fight Vintage Shirt See more: T...

Some Days You Just Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They’re Dealing With Girl Shirt

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They Some Days You Just Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They’re Dealing With Girl Shirt probably browse this sub. Hey Lincoln project it was totally my idea that you should push ads about Stephen Miller's grandmother and how Trump is his puppet. They probably browse this sub. Hey, Lincoln Project, I love your idea to run an ad about Trump being Stephen Millers puppet that also mentions Stephen Miller is a cancer on society and his family hates him. My impression is that Stephen Miller is much more attuned to the fact that he has no power of his own. Steve Bannon, in contrast, did his previous work independently, and had much more personal ego invested in it, believing himself to be some kind of oracle of the far-right, comparing himself to Lenin. Bannon cultivated his image with the press, Miller is focused on cultivating his relationship with Trump. Miller is playing the long game. After Trump is gone, let's not forget him, Kushner and the rest of these ratfu...

Sina Me A Sona Of A Lass That Is Gong Say Butterfly Shirt

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OK, but nobody dies "from old age." They die  Sina Me A Sona Of A Lass That Is Gong Say Butterfly Shirt from respiratory or cardiac arrest. The natural and inevitable deterioration of her internal organs was a contributing factor in her death, I'm sure, but you can't say that COVID wasn't also a factor. You can't say she recovered and then died 4 months later. Quick, someone fire this over to the Lincoln project. Have them spend their own money on the idea. They probably browse this sub. Hey Lincoln project it was totally my idea that you should push ads about Stephen Miller's grandmother and how Trump is his puppet. They probably browse this sub. Hey Lincoln project it was totally your idea that you will push ads about Stephen Miller's grandmother and how Trump is his puppet. They probably browse this sub. Hey, Lincoln Project, I love your idea to run an ad about Trump being Stephen Millers puppet that also mentions Stephen Miller is a cancer on socie...

Princesses Are Born In August Shirt

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Princesses Are Born In August Shirt not pass away from COVID. She was diagnosed with COVID in March and passed away in July, so that timeline does not add up at all. His grandmother died peacefully in her sleep from old age. I would hope that you would choose not to go down this road. Edit for clarity: His grandmother did die as a result of COVID. This quote is the White House’s bullshit response to being confronted with that information. Yeah, for example the death toll from the flu and other infectious diseases is much lower because of the lockdowns and social distancing. And of course fewer car crashes and all that. And still the death rate is far higher, even if you ignored all the deaths officially attributed to COVID-19. This morning my mother, Ruth Glosser, died of the late effects of COVID-19 like so many thousands of other people; both young and old. She survived the acute infection but was left with lung and neurological damage that destroyed her will to eat and her ...

Soninlaw There Are Lost Of Great People In Our Family But Youre Special You Volunteered Shirt

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As an aside, Soninlaw There Are Lost Of Great People In Our Family But Youre Special You Volunteered Shirt I don't get this paid crisis actor narrative. All these people really want Trump to stay in office, but not badly enough, because they are willing to sell out their conservative convictions for money and try to remove him from office. Which makes them either really bad conservatives or really good conservatives. It's a variation on the retail employee tests that ask if you'd turn your own mother for shoplifting. You know you wouldn't, your boss knows you wouldn't, and your mother knows you wouldn't; but you know what they want you to say and you testify, before man and god, that yes, you'd have your mother thrown in the clink for stealing. The paid crisis actor narrative is because that's what republican politicians do. They will regularly hire actors for their political rally/events to make the crowds look bigger. It's pure projection. They th...

Splash Mountain Song Of The South Shirt

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Real talk, I'm sure there's a lot Splash Mountain Song Of The South Shirt of nuance out there, but does having less empathy make one much more likely to be Conservative in the first place? Like, obviously if you don't even care about your family, why would you care about providing safety net programs to those less fortunate? Without empathy, you'd be much more free to focus on your own ambition (motivated by greed and anger?). You're obviously not psychotic enough to find the personal benefit in anything. He came out right away to contradict his uncle and claim that she didn't die of COVID, contradicting her death certificate. Now he can use this as a very personal opportunity to lie about numbers being "inflated" by calling "everything" a COVID death. I know it's popular in this sub to make fun of Miller's looks and act like he used spray on hair on TV, but let's be honest about it. That was not spray on hair. It was spiders. She...

Don’t Flatter Yourself I Only Look Up To You Because I’m Short Shirts

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Honestly I really enjoyed GotM as well, it’s also one of  Don’t Flatter Yourself I Only Look Up To You Because I’m Short Shirts my favorites so far. I distinctly remember that once I was about 100 pages in I could hardly put it down until I finished, which is something that hasn’t happened as strongly for the later books such as midnight tides. Looking up the titles I find it funny that book 2 is actually called Deadhouse Gates but it wasn’t questioned at all when I called it Chain of Dogs due to how powerful that storyline was. I've had two friends give up part way through GotM, their loss. The two others that stuck with it and read Chain of Dogs both literally cried at different points in CoD and have become huge Malazan fans. First time one of them had ever shed a tear while reading a book to put that in perspective. I’m on book 4 right now. Chain of Dogs didn’t pull me as much as I hoped it would. Now Memories of Ice... that was fucking devastating. It would be nice if hi...

Original Donald Trump Stop Hate Shirt

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Well doctors do. They also get paid when Original Donald Trump Stop Hate Shirt patients die of heart attacks, strokes, and any other cause of death. It’s called medical billing. His great-grandparents emigrated from Russia because of the pogroms. If he was a character in a story your editor would tell you it's too ham-fisted. A little off-topic but after years of trying to write nuanced characters and situations, particularly villains, it does bug me that real life currently breaks every rule of writing and fed them a gallon of drano just to be sure. I know some Jewish Trump fans. You'd be surprised how many of them think that the white supremacists have no problem with Jews. Living in the Northeast, I think they might not have a proper understanding of their work. I named a bunch off my toons after Mallick Rel before completing his character's arc. Buy it:  Original Donald Trump Stop Hate Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Sh...

Premium E. Honda Sumo Shirt

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Attack ads against political opponents, ads for law firms or lawyers. These kinds of ads are illegal and considered unethical in Premium E. Honda Sumo Shirt our country. Also expecting a teenager to be out of the house by the time they're 18. I live in Southeast Asia. There's no stigma about living with one's parents. Most of the time, there will be three generations living in one house. Where did I learn this? An episode of Better Call Saul, believe it or not. In the show, the character of Chuck is a respected lawyer and legal scholar who believes very deeply in having high ethical standards. During an argument with Jimmy about ethics, he blurts out that only scumbag lawyers advertise on TV "because the Supreme Court went crazy in 1977". I paused and looked it up. My first trip to Spain I wanted to order a beer. Didn't know the local brands, so I told the waitress "claro", which to me meant I wanted a lager, not a dark beer. She came back with a ha...