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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2021

Hot Stitch I’m Nicer Than My Face Looks Shirt

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Him ending up contracting coronavirus which he very well may have already contracted before he made  comments. I believe he said something like 'He could be standing 200 feet away from you and he shows up wearing biggest mask I've ever seen'. Well I guess it just goes to show that social distancing and wearing a mask pays off so please take note of that everyone and stay safe We need a president that cares folks. I think this turn events shows it. He cares about himself and the safety of the people because that’s what a decent leader is supposed to do. Not throw around hoaxes and denounce science while shuddering in the corner behind.Closed doors talke about. BUY IT:  Hot Stitch I’m Nicer Than My Face Looks Shirt

Good Ariana Grade Positions Merch Heaven Sent You To Me Shirt

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Ground here because. We thought he was sinking. The timing, his history, ties to Putin and KGB tactics, social media manipulation, and that he is going to be broken in court and lose everything if he loses power. His situation is unique, and I’ve never heard of a man with as much justice waiting for him in my lifetime. From sex crimes,l murderevasion and tampering with witnesses. If you can and would manipulate an election, you can and would appearance of your condition too. He is playing a game of chess for his life and freedom, and he has decades of manipulation, and deception.I love the irony in Trump making fun of Biden about always wearing a and then so. BUY IT:  Good Ariana Grade Positions Merch Heaven Sent You To Me Shirt

Top Amn Us Merch Store Amog Us Menacing US Shirt

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Mind and the next word I came up with in the heat of the moment is 'positive' because that word . Can mean good and is also used in conjunction with tests. Of course, in this example it changes the meaning of my sentence altogether.Or I might want to say "the test results were good," but instead say "I tested..." and realize partway through that my sentence structure doesn't make sense anymore if I say "good" now. So I have to think of a new word, and being me, I frequently pick a less-than-stellar choice.So because I myself am terrible speaker (or as I prefer to say "I can't talk without a pen"), I can understand where Trump's from.That isn't to say he does. BUY IT:  Top Amn Us Merch Store Amog Us Menacing US Shirt

Funny Amog Us Merch Store Amog Us Impostor Shirt

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joke, as much as it evolved into  after he misspoke, but I do agree it's disingenuous to say he doesn't know the difference. It's clear he does, and that he just had the right words slip his mind mid-sentence.I personally do the same kind of thing all the time. I'll remember the general meaning of the word I'm looking for, but either  forget the actual word, or I'll have phrased the sentence such that the key word no longer fits. And in doing so, I rarely come across as a well spoken person lol.So using this quote as an example, I might think to say, "the test results were good."But instead I'll say, "The test results were positive" because "good" slipped my. BUY IT:  Funny Amog Us Merch Store Amog Us Impostor Shirt

Good All Wants For Christmas Is Beer Shirt

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YouTube for free every weekOliver was Jon Stewart's intended successor for a reason. Only reason he's on HBO is because Viacom was stupid and didn't get. A contract signed before HBO swooped in and made an offer. if you watch the video of him saying this, he isn't being jokey. He misspeaks constantly, and then tries to correct it by making it seem like he was being jokey. He's always saying the wrong word, then adding "and" or "but" in order to make it sensible. He's Michael Scott from 'The Office,' where he starts a sentence not really knowing where it's going to end, so just makes stuff up along the way. Zero foresight.I don't know that it started off as a. BUY IT:  Good All Wants For Christmas Is Beer Shirt

Awesome 2020 Skeleton When You’re Dead Inside But It’s The Holiday Season Christmas Shirt

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To bat for him, hard) and has been doing a damn fine job in his own right once he found his feet. But Viacom has hamstrung him by making it very difficult for anyone  to watch. Trevor's the only black late night host at the moment (and the second youngest), so you'd think he might more attention during the days of the BLM movement.In a lot of ways it was really a benefit to all of us that Oliver got picked up by HBO because he's done significantly more with them than he'd ever have been able to do under Viacom's mismanagement. You can bet his segments wouldn't be nearly as well researched, they'd be broken up by ad breaks, and Viacom would never let them ont. BUY IT:  Awesome 2020 Skeleton When You’re Dead Inside But It’s The Holiday Season Christmas Shirt

Top 2020 Hary Styles Have Yourself A Harry Little Christmas Shirt

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Biden would have been exposed less than 2 days ago. I don't think we can breathe a collective sigh of reliefjust yet.I had a Trump supporter say to me on Tuesday, thinking it was an insult to Biden voters the. Debate wouldn't change anyone's mind and that if Biden took a shit on stage, his supporters would still vote for him.Actually, people with an ounce of FORESIGHT have been predicting this for a while, especially warning signs like Herman Cain catching the virus at a Trump rally and fucking dying from it. That's what we like to call a clue to what might happen in the future.Which is in no way meant to undermine Trevor Noah, who Stewart second choice went. BUY IT:  Top 2020 Hary Styles Have Yourself A Harry Little Christmas Shirt

Funny 2nd Amendment It’s My Right Shirt

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Well, Northern Ireland too, but  don’t mind as long as someone pours their drink...which, basically, makes welsh and scots the slaves of English.In an alternate timeline Trump cancels the debate due to a potential exposure, The Hope story. Breaks as well as the Domino's of infections. And Trump has at least a smidgen of the appearance of decency, but now he's just reinforced the negativities that are said about him and his personality.It can take up to  week (edit: I'm hearing 3-4 days) before you test positive though, following exposure, right? Trump company testing positive and being symptomatic indicates that they were exposed many days (or weeks?) ago as. BUY IT:  Funny 2nd Amendment It’s My Right Shirt

Awesome Muay Thai Hello Is It Knee You’re Looking For Vintage Shirt

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Of the pack with most of them. Euros just don't seem  big the US is, so they get Big Number Syndrome when they see our stats. The UK is doing terribly, though England seems to be doing the worst within the UK itself.The ‘big number’ syndrome can be addressed . By using a thing called percentages - we have them here in Europe too. Basically you take a number, compare it to another number, divide one over the other, multiply it by 100 and it gives you the proportion out of 100.I’m not considering anything for anything, you dumb demented little fuck. And still: Americans kicked the English out, and Wales and Scotland are the only remaining colonies of Englandsd. BUY IT:  Awesome Muay Thai Hello Is It Knee You’re Looking For Vintage Shirt

Good Middle Finger Fuck Biden Unisex Shirt

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Parrot his lame nicknames he makes up for people and all dress in the asshole MAGA and USA uniform. Perhaps look in a mirror. Why don’t you go back to posting about your genital  outbreak? Nasty dude, no wonder you’re so angry. I would be too if I was stupid enough to get herpes. That's what people in england said about the SNP 15 years ago. Conservatives have never had much appeal outside of the most rural areas and people are enthusiastic about Labour/Libdems in Wales, they put english interests firstThe UK really has done horribly with Corona. A lot of Europe is heavily propagandized to believe that the US is doing horribly, but it's right in the middle a. BUY IT:  Good Middle Finger Fuck Biden Unisex Shirt

Top I Became A Nurse Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Poster Shirt

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The media never reports anything good that happens to him. Keep getting fooled by shit I guess your happy with Biden the guy who said on national tv that we didn't need any more n words runni country.Well sometimes people as a whole evolve, just as people’s needs and countries evolve. As for your. Argument, I’ve been active duty for more than ten years. If I feel socialized healthcare is the best for me and the rest of the country, I will vote as such. If the majority of the country wants it, we vote in people that will make it happen, because of democracy. If you don’t like democracy, you can “move somewhere else”Yes we’re the sheeple. Not the idiots who pa. BUY IT:  Top I Became A Nurse Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Poster Shirt

Good Happy Campers The Avila Family Shirt

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Make money and all the people who don't understand economy won't understand but the fact that he has so many interests doesn't make him a bad businessman it makes him a smart one. Just think if this was you and not Trump you  businesses and 60 fail that means you have had 940 successful businesses.Anyone with a functioning . Brain can see that Donald Trump is objectively stupid. He’s thick as shit, incurious,doesn’t understand basic concepts, and is proudly ignorant. He’s actually so unbelievably stupid that even his supporters constantly have to concoct elaborate explanations for why he acts the way he does and says such stupid brainless quite something.Wel. BUY IT:  Good Happy Campers The Avila Family Shirt

Perfect Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Leg Ugly Christmas Shirt

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Bit of release for me because live in a country and house where conservatives are just crazy, fact denying, liars who seem to created Republican, overseen by a Republican, lead by a Republican and redacted by a Republican is obviously a hit job Democrats. But I can’t just scream “no it isn’t MOM!) people think Trump is stupid because the liberal. Run media tells them he is. They say he is a bad business man because he has had failed businesses.reality is all businessmen and women have had failed businesses the only reason you know about his is because he has had tv shows and 3x as many interviews as the rest of the business owners. You have to try things too. BUY IT:  Perfect Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Leg Ugly Christmas Shirt

Awesome Merry And Bright Pitbull Dog Chirstmas Shirt

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To be in an incredibly vunerable position realistically. Your letting emotion get in the way, this is a very different election than 2016.During 2016 I saw signs. And during 2012 I saw a spattering of Obama but nothing like what I'm seeing now. I realize it's anecdotal,you see more Biden signs in 6 blocks in suburbia than you do for Trump in 60 miles in rural areas. That's unique.Trump didn’t even get the majority vote in 2016, if the system in the US made any sense he should never have been president in the first place. So it’s very fucking bold bordering on delusional to say Trump will walk this one, especially when he’s polling badly behind Biden.It was a. BUY IT:  Awesome Merry And Bright Pitbull Dog Chirstmas Shirt

Premium Live Long And Spock Her Shirt

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One where you allow Trump to live rent free. Get a life.So, what does  have to do to be impeached? Lying, cheating, being a russian puppet, voting fraud, (almost) causing a uprising, calling nazis "very good people", being an enemy of democracy, being an enemy of free press, "fake news", "alternative facts", changing staffers like other people change their underwear, being a narcissist.  Egomaniac and generally an awful person didn't do it for Trump. So.... Why exactly should Biden be impeached?I think your confidence is unfounded, not just because of that but because of multiple indicators both anecdotal and factual. It's not in the bag, in fact Trump looks. BUY IT:  Premium Live Long And Spock Her Shirt

Original I Don't Make The Rules I Just Work Here Shirt

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Big names. Your standard American doesnt pay much attention to the world outside of the US unless it heavily involves us. Reason being though is they dont really need to as a lot of the world revolves around and relies on us so we dont have to worry what someone is doing halfway across the world.I think I have figured it out— all the trump bashers are just trying so hard to annoy those of us that aren’t with. All the incessant America hating and whining that we will just vote the way they want to shut them up. Here’s the question— who will the whiners and America haters take aim on next? Trump being out will leave a pretty big hole in that brain of yours— to. BUY IT:  Original I Don't Make The Rules I Just Work Here Shirt

Pretty I Am The Veteran And The Veteran’S Wife American Flag Shirt

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Thanks Wales.Biden is not a brag worthy president either. We are just going in circles here. If we want actual change, we need to support candidates like Jorgensen. Who is on all 50 state ballets by the way.The Biden Green Deal is going to be so good for America! A commitment to no more fracking, more government regulations on anything that increases the carbon footprint, more stable government jobs and more investment into green. Infrastructure for only 2 trillion dollars.If you asked Americans where Wales is, Id argue 95% of them wouldnt be able to tell you or even point in the general area on a world map. Hell, that would be the case forcountries that are. BUY IT:  Pretty I Am The Veteran And The Veteran’S Wife American Flag Shirt

Official Amog Us Why So Sus Shirt

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In particular has gone way too far over the top in dealing with corona virus.I was told when I lived in Finland I needed an  colonoscopy, I moved back to the UK 2 days before my appointment to avoid being stuck in Finland and missed it. So I called  doctor in Wales, it has been 7 months and all i've been told is to be careful of my diet, meanwhile my health is detoriorating, my symptoms are getting worse and i'm in constant pain, my issue could be . Simple tablets which I will need to take for the rest of my life but now because of the 6 months where the UK has failed to treat me due to coronavirus I may need part of my intestine removed and a colonoscopy ba. BUY IT:  Official Amog Us Why So Sus Shirt

Premium Crane The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go Shirt

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Mostly spread out across the country.Tbh I don't know we're acting like Wales is perfict right now. I'm living in Wales in a lock down area and lemme just tell you most people are acting like there's no pandemic at all. Seriously 'lockdown' means not to leave your county, that's it. Pubs are still open, schools are still open and non essential shops. It's a fucking joke here, but I guess it ain't much better then England.People of Wales also know that not being able to visit.  A doctor has lead to deaths too, if you suspect you have a cancerous lump you can't get it paracetamols need teeth removed, or tablets when you have symptoms of diabetis. The UK and Wa. BUY IT:  Premium Crane The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go Shirt

Good I Don’t Want To Look Or Be Cis Shirt

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When Trump threw out especially  numbers expectations. Seemed as a way they could claim they did something exceptional if it was less . That got thrown to the wall when other countries did far better and left him looking like a putz anyways.Wales is a complete fucking nightmare right now with pandemic. People don't keep distance, pubs are open till 10, the fucking postman thinks its appropriate to walk INTO my building without a mask.The second they eased lockdown it was like Covid never existed all. Wales might be doing better than America, but it's still a total shitshow here. The main reason it's  rampant is probably that we only have 3 million citizenssa. BUY IT:  Good I Don’t Want To Look Or Be Cis Shirt

Hot In 1999 Duel Of The Fates Spent 11 Days On Trl Shirt Super Yaki Talking Bay 94 Trl History Shirt

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On Trump? State, City, and Local leaders all share responsibility on this. Especially if they into homes.The United States is a coalition of many States. Each State is like a mini country. The Federal Government makes decision for our country, but States don't have to follow the Laws made by the Federal Government if they make their own laws or changes to that law. Which is why some States were able to make Weed legal, even though it's still illegal federally. (Trump should decriminalize it.)Trump should be things federall. Like sending resources to states.(Which he has been doing), and the State leaders should be doing nothing and blaming Trump.Always figur. BUY IT:  Hot In 1999 Duel Of The Fates Spent 11 Days On Trl Shirt Super Yaki Talking Bay 94 Trl History Shirt

Perfect Its Pled Cafe Shop Shirt

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When the beacon of what not to do in the first world tries to talk shit.Sure, it's a big city, and it's cramped. But also, Governor Andrew Cuomo forced nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients. Donald Trump is not responsible for that. other major cities also put Covid Positive patients into nursing homes. In New York State, during the month of May, 5,800 deaths from Covid came from nursing homes. In total, during the month of May, the amount of deaths was 18,000. That's 32% of the deaths in New York State. About 40% of all deaths in the US . Currently come from nursing homes.Trump has taken actions, some of them could be better. Why is ebeing blamed. BUY IT:  Perfect Its Pled Cafe Shop Shirt

Cute Jaiga Merch Jaiga Korean Themed With Globe Shirt

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Its nice to have Welsh representation every once in a while. I don't care for the Trump vs Biden stuff, but Trump is in no position to criticise our handling of the outbreak when America is suffering from an embarrassing amount of deaths and the actual leader got it bad.Wales with a fraction of the resources available compared to America have done way better. Still not great trump is a joke right now.. fucking joke America is as a whole tbh sort your fucking country out. Like covid behaviour is contagious and will spread to others they aren't huge fans of  the government in London. Has attempted to handle covid, as I recall. So they aren't going to react wel. BUY IT:  Cute Jaiga Merch Jaiga Korean Themed With Globe Shirt

Top Jim Carrey And Eddie Murphy Pose For A Photo Learn History Shirt

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Even stand up for those willing to risk their lives for the govern. If any other president did this it would be around the clock news right up to his landslide defeat.Well, about 20% of Wales clearly do and they consistently win West Wales from Carmarthen to Gwynedd. The rule is that the Valleys vote labour, Powys and Clwyd vote Conservative and the West Coast vote Plaid. Plaid are the second-party in the senedd.Interesting. Trump retweeted a post saying Americans don't want to be in and out of lockdowns like some other countries are doing, which used Wales as an example. This "leader" takes personally.  And goes on a tirade, but Trump is the thin-skinned on. BUY IT:  Top Jim Carrey And Eddie Murphy Pose For A Photo Learn History Shirt

Happy Jon Ossoff For U S Senate Shirt

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Conservatives will be in a very strong position to win in future elections which will create tensions with wales which tends to swing left.There have been anti-Trump protests around the world. He's not liked by most politicians from other nations either. The only allies he has are from countries we've dictatorships for the past several decades. In fact, the demographic largely responsible for Trump probably still remember hiding under their desks during the Cold War. Yet here we are all cozy with Russia to the point where our soldiers can be targeted and our "commander in chief" says nothing. His supporters believe he's strong. Because he's a bully. Yet does. BUY IT:  Happy Jon Ossoff For U S Senate Shirt

Beautiful Lana Del Rey Merch Violet Shirt

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Mess incredibly. Not prepared that there's no way they handle the virus better than I have. I mean for god sak good English When we don’t talk about you very often, it isn’t because people on our side of the pond haven’t heard of you - it’s more because we’re afraid someone will make us try to say .” (Note: apparently that is a real place nameimagine living there and just becoming disheartened every time you had to fill out forms that ask  your address Please stop trying to take all of the letters, as sharing is caring! (But seriously, you’re amazing Wales! don’t ever change!I can see welsh independence in a decade or two, if scotland leaves becau . England). BUY IT:  Beautiful Lana Del Rey Merch Violet Shirt

Official Larry Is Real Lazy Jamie Shirt

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Now and save embarrassment etc. Honestly it isn’t over until it’s over and that’s a fact no matter what any polls say.Wow incredible. They have no idea, no idea. Believe me how bad they have it. They have handled the virus so badly, believe me, more than anyone else, ever, more than which the likes of no one has ever seen, it's tremendous. Tremendous. They want to talk about population size but what they don't realize is that America is so big you wouldn't imagine. Probably bigger than what you would consider a large country but even bigger than that, trust me. They  healthcare but, well you know how they are. They can barely even stand afloat among all this. BUY IT:  Official Larry Is Real Lazy Jamie Shirt

Great Levar Burzum Merch Spunch Bob Shirt

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With each other.The US needs more pressure from . The European powers to force the US to do the right thing. Our leadership has deliberately done nothing to help people during COVID. Trump just ended all discussions of a COVID relief bill until, “after the election” as if he’s saying we won’t get anything unless he’s elected. Over 1000 people are dying a day because of this virus and while some countries are beating their second phase we are, still very much, in the first.When people say this stuff I honestly just think of the video complications on YouTube of everyone and their dog Trump election about how he’ll never be president and he should take a seats. BUY IT:  Great Levar Burzum Merch Spunch Bob Shirt

Great Limited Edition Hypland X Hunter X Hunter Gon Eye Shirt

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Us so hard long term. Before Biden left office one of his final acts. Was assuring other nations that we'll stand by our agreements and that Trump is just boasting for the election but will respect their alliances and deals. Now, 4 years later, not just any Democrat enters but the exact same person has to go back and convince them to recommit to us. And why would they when it doesn't matter what Biden promises or agrees to, their agreements are at most 4 years away from having a president who may view them as optional. So they may trust Biden, but that won't restore their faith in America. No one will trust us to work with them long term if we can't even wos. BUY IT:  Great Limited Edition Hypland X Hunter X Hunter Gon Eye Shirt

Awesome Kendrick Llama Shirt

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Feelings at the time? No credible papers were giving trump literally a 0 percent chance.  Most were writing it off as an easy win for clinton but that wasnt your statement.Oh grow up. It was being said all over the place that he had no chance. I'm not even American so I don't give a shit, but stop getting stick up your arse about this shit.Get fucked butt, what a wanker. Welsh lockdowns are shite I can’t lie, but we’re doing a hell of a lot better than America. Like they mentioned in the article, Wales is healthcare, a concept Americans still seem to be struggling with to this day. The cunt could learn a thing or two from us. Cymru am byth!Trump has fuckedss. BUY IT:  Awesome Kendrick Llama Shirt

Funny I Want Schlatt 2020 Shirt

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Gerrymandering and the electoral process. It's the counting of mail-in ballots I'm worried about not that there. Will be ballot fraud, but that statistically a gigantic number of democrats will be mail-in voting as compared to republicans, so the blue shift weeks after election night will give trump the exact messaging he need incite violence on the streets and throw our democracy into the shitter.Not really, he was down in the averages last several polls leading up to the election showed his numbers surging. Trends are more telling of an which is why they shouldn't exist.So you have nothing to back up your statement other than your perception of other peopl. BUY IT:  Funny I Want Schlatt 2020 Shirt

Sweet I Love Bodega Cats Shirt

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Ireland are all countries definition and are recognised as such by Westminster, their official statuses constituent countries.  This is like Greenland is to Denmark, or Aruba to the Netherlands. You don’t have to be fully independent to be a country.England, Wales and Scotland all participate in sports as separate nations with separate Olympics This doesn’t occur anywhere else.And all 4 have their own national identity (Northern Irelands is a bit blurred but they are a special case). It’s not the difference between being from Texas or California, but more being from Norway or Sweden.It'll be as fair of an election as it ever was, what with voter suppressions. BUY IT:  Sweet I Love Bodega Cats Shirt

Top I Like Vodka And The Lake And Maybe 3 People Shirt

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"Lol Trump treated with dead babies" rhetoric sensationalist and unfounded, but "Trump is hypocritically benefitting from the same research supposedly. Trying to eliminate for his base" is still totally valid.ok seppo - Cymru has been officially country by the International Organisation for Standardisation since 2011 (though they acknowledge it existed for before), and Scotland and England have been internationally recognised for much Ireland has never been country it's province of Ireland occupied by the United Kingdom. The fact you considered this an equivalent to the other countries is telling.Alright then, an actual British citizen here.Scotland Northern. BUY IT:  Top I Like Vodka And The Lake And Maybe 3 People Shirt

Nice Gamer King Console Gaming PC Computer Video Games Shirt

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It's not rampant is probably because we only have 3 million citizens, mostly spread out across the country.No it fucking isn't. Wales is a complete fucking nightmare right now with this pandemic don't keep. Distance, pubs are open till 10, the fucking postman thinks its appropriate to walk INTO my building without a mask.Totally agree to be honest and I'm a strong advocate for Plaid. It's a perfect case of everyone's given an inch and are now taking miles when there's none left. When rates dropped and infections were down to less than 10 a day, life nearly got back to normal but now that the second spike is coming, people are a lot less likely to follow thes. BUY IT:  Nice Gamer King Console Gaming PC Computer Video Games Shirt

Official Wonder Woman Signature Shirt

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Can't get over And we're building a wall in Texas. And we're not building a wall in Kansas, but they get the benefit of the walls that were just mentioned. And Louisiana's incredible.For this to happen, US voters, specifically. Republicans, have to elect two functioning adults in primary elections in the next two or three cycles, aside from the 2020 Elections. I could see a scenario where Republicans might nominate a more sinister, smart, and tamed version of Trump at least in one of the next presidential elections.The second they eased lockdown it was like Covid never existed at all. Wales might be doing better than America, but it's still a total he.reason. BUY IT:  Official Wonder Woman Signature Shirt

Perfect Mamba Mentality Shirt

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Pro shops make up small initiation fees can be absurd, the upkeep and labour is a question of maintaining or investing in the property, and technically if you really wanted it can be untaxed.Republicans never ever going to have that "Wait moment. While Trump is around, no matter how many horrible countries with horrible leaders he allies himself with.You know why we're going to New Mexico? Because they want safety on their border. And they didn't have it,president said during his Pennsylvania speech. "And we're building a wall on the border of New Mexico. And we're building a wall in Colorado. We're building a beautiful wall, a big one that really works — yo. BUY IT:  Perfect Mamba Mentality Shirt

Lovely My Patronus Is A Snopy Harry Poter Shirt

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30-40% of America hanging on his every word he'll have plenty of access to funds (he's not going to prison, at most he'll lose his business and becomehost/influencer).Dodson  planned to play nine holes with Trump and Eric, along with pro golfer Greg Norman and  bodyguard. And when he got there, Dodson asked where Trump was getting money. “He just sort of tossed off that he access to $100 million,” said Dodson, whose curiosity was piqued  Golf courses are probably easier to funnel through than casinos. Less regulations, one hole in one a day is 5k worth of drinks, 8 foursomes teeing off in an hour is about 3600$ coming in an hour, membership fees are bottomle. BUY IT:  Lovely My Patronus Is A Snopy Harry Poter Shirt

Pretty You Are Beautiful No Matter What They Say Shirt

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Was far more equipped to appeal to this kind of voter. But putting that aside, the campaign is in its last throes.It needs to find out how to appeal to them on bread and butter issues. People are already casting mail-in votes! He needs to firmly address what he is going to do to reform the for-profit health insurance system and tackle the fossil fuel industry as wildfires burn out of control. His weak stance on fracking aside, Biden needs to inform the public how he plans to implement a new green economy with jobs geared towards that industry. He should be doing a town hall every other day on this. Don’t engage people politically  the best message Incredibly. BUY IT:  Pretty You Are Beautiful No Matter What They Say Shirt


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 Seen facts of? I'm brown skin and will be voting for Trump 2020... Do your research and don't be a pawn... I mean Trump in the '80s was king. But a Trump supporter could tell be that Trump is leagues better than. Biden.I respect that you support Biden, but there isn't a right or wrong way to vote in the election, why we have one in the first place. This is a dumb argument, to begin with since more people voted for "nobody" 2016 than either Trump or Clinton. The people we should be convincing to vote are not just swing voters disaffected Independents and non-voters disgusted with the process, the two parties, and politics more Personally I think Bernie Sander. BUY IT:  Funny If You Cant Speak To Me Dont Speak To My Husband Shirt

Awesome Sloth Lymphoma Awareness Shirt

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Into Civil War is real Fascinating. The power of Media, TV, NEWS. It is amazing. Schools as well. Wow. I agree that Trump is worse. Thinking that people who vote for Trump can't be convinced is just stupid thinking. Polls show that.  Bernie Sanders would have attracted at least 10% of Trump voters. So to say that they can't be convinced is not only irrational but also elitist.We can do so much better than Biden. So comical. Turn off your devices and CNN and talk to your neighbors. In a "Harris" bidden administration we poor people pay more outta pocket in taxes and cost of living... So you want that bc this dude is supposed racist/ and other things I've neve. BUY IT:  Awesome Sloth Lymphoma Awareness Shirt

Original I Thought I Heard Someone Clap Behind Me But It Was This Ass Shirt

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To turn Obama-Trump voters back to his side, and based polling? It's working. The idea that this is impossible is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and one this nation can't afford. Trump is a flip-flopper on abortion, and Biden is too. Not much to gain there unless. Roe v Wade gets put up again. But Trump policies have resulted in more death than life already than any modern sitting president. Here is thought instead of trying to change each other's minds. How about we try understand one another. Then you know this foreign concept of compromise. Or better yet have actual discussions. Man, that sure would be nice. But until then watching two extremes nearly devolv. BUY IT:  Original I Thought I Heard Someone Clap Behind Me But It Was This Ass Shirt

Pretty Ferret Mom Retro Vintage Style Ferret Parent Shirt

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He is. We can talk about the kind of future we want, for all of us, and use the power of grace to make our point.  Honestly, there is away. You cannot attack them, call them idiots and shame them. You do what Fox News does and put seeds in their minds. Also, ask in what a conservative? Hes not a constitutionalist, nor does he care about deficit reduction. He cut taxes some but 3% for billionaire is quite a bit more than 3% for 45k a year. Also hes added 26% to deficit spending in 2019. Don't get started about 2020. This is a terrible message. It's not either turnout the base or persuades on the fence voters, it's both. Look at Biden, he's working the midwest. BUY IT:  Pretty Ferret Mom Retro Vintage Style Ferret Parent Shirt

Top Home State Missouri Shirt

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He doesn’t just say mean shit. I’ll give you one example... earlier this year he tweeted the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat. I sure would like to celebrate all the good he’s doneAs soon as he starts wishing me and all my friends around the country dead, that’s where I draw the line. It about changing. We cannot strong-arm anyone into submission- and if anything it is the strong-arming from the left that pushed them so far away, to begin with. What we can do- what is so important to do- is to keep using the power of our influence. We can talk about the things that matter and why they matter to us. We don’t have to insult Trump or talk about how terribl. BUY IT:  Top Home State Missouri Shirt

Nice Talk Less Smile More Shirt

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Will lose.spending all his resources trying to flip Trump voters instead of engaging the progressives and the minorities despite their greater numbers. Well, can I start by saying I'm pro-capitalism, pro-private unions? Because unions are a way economies regulate themselves, a Christian but absolutely would hate if the government . Think all people of all races, sexualities, sexes, and genders should be treated equally. I also important we keep gun rights, as they are our last defense against a tyrannical government. If Trump began to order murder of all Muslims or immigrants, it'd be the fact that we have guns, that would allow us to remove him from powersd. BUY IT:  Nice Talk Less Smile More Shirt

Official Sketchy Color Pencils Painter Artist Shirt

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Concern because many of them didn't show up to vote for their candidate in the primary? For the sake of humanity and your own wellbeing, please look into how the virus and the intentionally lit fires are an attempt to implement ballot harvesting to rig the election, by those who rape babies, mass murder, exploit you, don't care about you, etc. Or just leave. Anybody who thinks that the election will resolve anything is a fool. There are two halves of the country and they violently disagree on how things should be. They don't even acknowledge the same basic reality. The net result is that this country is destined to become ever more mediocre. This is why Bide. BUY IT:  Official Sketchy Color Pencils Painter Artist Shirt

Premium Chickens Introverted But Willing To Discuss Chickens Shirt

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Before he was president, complete piece of shit. Donald like an idiot because people who talk with intelligence come across as pompous assholes" like what the fuck no you didn't. I have a Q friend. His belief system is insane. Believes the child sex ring pizza shop, Tom Hanks is a pedo, all of it. College-educated with a good job. It is terrifying how 40% of this country thinks. I don't wonder how Nazi Germany happened anymore. It feels like a world war is going to break out anytime, just takes one little domino to fall. And I see a lot of people arguing with Bernie or busters for some reason. No, don't do that. Shouldn't your conclusion be that they aren as. BUY IT:  Premium Chickens Introverted But Willing To Discuss Chickens Shirt

Happy Justin Biebe Holy I Wanna Honor You Holy Shirt

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With their national temper tantrum. I don’t give a damn. Doesn't matter anymore. Now we know the manner Trump's power grab. He has said he will contest the election. The military said they'd let the court sort it out. The court is about to get stacked and they will go along with what Barr says. Dude ain't leaving. Exactly you can fill something .with knowledge that's already filled with bs. Add to the fact that chose. To live in a false construct do to the fact that they cannot accept the truth. Pod save america had asegment on this today. Key points is focusing on non voters and what Biden’s plans are. What they can vote FOR. No trump talk, especially not u. BUY IT:  Happy Justin Biebe Holy I Wanna Honor You Holy Shirt

Top Chicken Why Yall Trying To Test The Jesus In Me Vintage Shirt

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Corrupt, and powerful while tossing the common person to the side. We need change, but knowing how divided the United currently and how passive the population is when it comes to big-picture political issues, I’m almost entirely sure that the change we need will not happen. Nothing good will come of this decade for the United States. I’m sure of it. I learned this lesson with mother, who when approached about Trump,quoted FaceBook nonsense. Until she got so mad she stormed out and called me a drunk. They have the power to change their minds anytime they choose. Not anyone else’s responsibility. They can grow up, get along, and move forward. Or they continues. BUY IT:  Top Chicken Why Yall Trying To Test The Jesus In Me Vintage Shirt

Beautiful Beast Of The East 2020 Shirt

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He goes off on a tirade and is going to have a much better candidate to fill the position. Blah blah blah. Nah, got a lot of my family to change their mind on him over the last four years. Managed it without fist fights or screaming racist in their face too. Funny what you can accomplish if you act like a civil human. Hmm nah. Voting won’t change much for our country.Trump and Biden are opposite sides of the same shitty coin essentially. Too much division has been. American politics and it sure doesn’t seem like it’s going to let up anytime soon, so we will be constantly stuck with this absolute shitshow of political tomfoolery that benefits only the richers. BUY IT:  Beautiful Beast Of The East 2020 Shirt

Pretty 2020 Afc East Champions Buffalo Bills Shirt

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Stuff back then, particularly how Mark Levin would just yell at people. My relationship with my parents has improved significantly since moving out. And I do genuinely love them. But I've given up on trying to have them understand why I feel the way I do politically speaking. I could care less. I work full time and I'm also pursuing a PhD, both in natural science fields, and it was my parents who actually inspired me to go down this path, but you can be book smart and still cling ways.  And they've been set in those ways long before I was born. RIP RBG!! Sad day for all of America. Too bad Trump wont even let her be buried or say anything nice about her befo. BUY IT:  Pretty 2020 Afc East Champions Buffalo Bills Shirt